MY world YOUR world... which is better?

My world, do you know what its like?
My world is filled with DEATH, VIOLENCE,
HATRED, and more it can be scary
My world is on the verge of ending.

We have global warming which changes the
weather and causes bears to wake up in the winter
It causes the Polar bears to drown in the water.
Worst of all, It causes all to die.

We have wars in this world
And many are for no reason.
We have our freedom, power, and our land
What more do we have to ask for?

We have murderers her in this world.
They mostly kill because of revenge
Others kill for the excitement from it...
I bet you can't believe that... WELL IT'S TRUE

In my world we have so many judgemental people
They criticize you on everything that is different
If you are too fat or too skinny, too young or too old
You will be judged and even if they don't know you.

Now tell me please what your world is like?
LOVE? Isn't it a joy to be there? Your world will
certainly last forever more than ours will.

You have pretty trees that have not rotted from
the wretched gases. You have lots of snow, and not caused
from global warming. Your animals are safe
and you feel safe as well, don't you?

All of your wars are based on a peaceful game
of thumb war, aren't they? And the best thing of all
if you lose you give up nothing...
wouldnt that be a nice world to live in?

You have people who help you in your world.
Kind people, happy and cheery people
The nicest you could ever meet.
Everyone gets excited but only because of the joy of your smile.

No one judges in your world do they?
People only judge character you say?
That is much better and more believable than most
As I would hope.

So will you trade your world with me?
We all have our fantasy dreams. Let mine come true,
Let this world be perfect and let us all be nice, kind, cheery, helpful, and most important of all, be respectful to each other and our beautiful planet.