Leaves of Change

I sit and stare out this small window
And watch as the leaves fall
One by one
Having no control of the gravity
Or the winds that sweep them away
To their inevitable fate
The leaves so intricately drawn by His hand.
The vital veins showing through
Their brittle, lifeless skins
I wonder if their like snowflakes
Not a single sinew the same
Then again, you wouldn't believe that anyway
Because you could've sworn
That one you saw on the window
Was the one that melted on your tongue
Almost twenty years ago.
Maybe you say that to keep
You safe in your protected,
Almost mythical past
Beating strong
Through your vital veins
So intricately drawn by His hand
Many years ago.
That are now showing
Through tough skins
That will soon turn
Just as brittle and lifeless
As these leaves
And you too will fall
To your inevitable fate
With the leaves of change