A Walk Through A Cruel World

Screw this world.
For it has taken,
Every dream,
Every fantisy
I have had.
There is no point,
In having dreams
Or fantisies,
Because they just make things worse.
Knowing they won't come true.
Having no heart
Or soul like me,
You'll regret the word LOVE.
The word love,
Is a word from hell,
That you can't tell,
What's going to happen.
When your heart has been ripped out
So many times by the one you 'love'.
It's hard to say
How i feel.
NO happiness.
NO sadness.
Just depression.
The depression of a teenage girl,
Whose favorite band,
Can't save her,
Not like they have in the past.
The one she use to love,
Is right in front of her.
There and gone.
Moving on with his life,
Like everyone else she knew,
Leaving her back there too.
She cries and cries,
Her heart out,
But he just ignores her,
In the darkness of loneliness.
She wants to kill herself,
But she knows she can't
Because something is in the way,
In the way of her sadness.
So she runs away,
Hiding herself
And everything around her
Going back won't feel the same.
For it's to late to turn back.
To late to love agian.
She's getting sick,
Sick of of this cruel world.
For stabbing her in the back,
with pain and angony.
that will last forever and ever,
in the walk of a cruel world.