Am i Crazy?

I think im going crazy
Is that possible for me to do
Im talking faster hearing voices
Speaking in my head
My mind is racing
Faster, Faster
And im listening to those voices
Telling me things
Horrible things
Lovely thoughts
Dreadful ideas

I think im going crazy
Does anybody care
When I bleed or when I cry
Does any one ever hear
My body aches
My mind shuts down
And another creature takes over

I think im going crazy
Im doing many things
Everyone is a threat
To me and somebody
Somebody inside of my head
that’s not me or my thoughts
He tells me what to do
When people start to talk

I think Im going crazy
Doesn't anybody listen
When I speak and when scream
For a little recognition
I don’t ask for much
Just one little simple thing
don’t talk shit
And I wont get mad
And do those horrible things

I think im going crazy
Im listening to you
You stupid mindless bastard
But I don’t know who you are
My mother told me not to talk to strangers
But I cant help it now
You’re my only friend who listens
When I scream and shout

I think im going crazy