Sing the Words You Sing

You told me to sing,
And I would sing.
So unequestioningly
I'd obey
With never a price to pay.

You told me to take a chance
And I would take that chance.
Yet I'd bet my life
That you'd never know
How many times I tried that go.

You told me to hold my head high
While others were losing theirs
Not once, not once
Could I tell you
What it meant to me.

People lost faith
And I kept mine
Through the dark days and the sunshine
In the hope that one day
I'd be repaid.

The day, I still await
And I don't know if it'll ever come
But for you, I hold my head high,
Singing the words you sing
Chancing the chances you took
In the hope that, one day, I'll be yours.