
As you stare into his gentle eyes
You'll see how lucky you are
I see his empty wardrobe, i see a hole in my heart
I just want to know how far
I see your hair, I see your hair dyes

Your daughter, my sister, anticipates your arrival
My mum, as pale as the dead
I, your son, dream of you arriving at the door, ready to say hello
I - we need to be fed
We need you for our own survival

I go to school, nobody near,
I see the flicker of your shadow,
To now realise the failure,
The ruins, i am so shallow,
I constantly live in fear.

I wake up after hearing your dark deep voice,
Thinking it was only a dream,
The darkest of all horrible dreams,
My mind fooling me, ripped at the seam,
I hear it again, i now have a choice.

I run to the door, wide open and cold,
I see a outline, but no detail of a body,
I hear the man speak, it sounds like your voice,
It could be anybody,
I see your face, it looks so old.

It's you i see, my father.
now it is all over,
I still cannot believe, is it De Ja Vu?
I then see your Rover,
I still cannot believe it, your skin like lather.