A Twilight Poem

The wedding bride am I
Waiting for my time
The music starts, I sigh
And begin the wedding march

Alas, a hand grips mine
Palm, hot and sweaty
I thoughts things couldn't get worse
But why would that happen to me?

Turning, I look up to stare into his black eyes
Hypnotizing mine with his gaze
He takes one stride closer to me
The look in his eyes pained and tormented

I know he has something to tell me
To try and change my mind
Something about my future family and their sins
He wants to tell me their story again to try and get it through my head

My mind is made up
My future is with him and him alone
I'm sacrificing my life in this world
And I'm sacrificing my best friend

A tear slips down my cheek as I try to smile
He takes his hand and strokes my face
And quickly rids of the single tear
Finally realizing my unwanted sacrifice

One last look and I'm free from his gaze
His story already told and I turn to the door
Walking through it, I'm leaving my past behind me
And now I'm heading for my future