
You may have my body
As long as you don't take my heart

I'll pour everything on to paper
But wont allow you to read

I can tell you what I like and what I hate
Though I can't tell you "I love you"
And mean what I say

I know how to have fun
But I don't know how to live

The world is my turf
I just have to be home by midnight

We can tour the universe
Though we haven't even left the living room couch

I can be very very serious
Have no boundaries at all
Just as long as you don't tell when either are appropriate

Let's fuck each other stupid
And say it's okay
Even if we get pregnant
You can leave me as soon as word gets out

I never loved you anyway
I don't even know you
But the ride was good
Whatever that means

I can tell you what I want
But I won't do myself any favors
...It was a stupid idea anyway...

You can say what you want
10 years later you'll deny it was even you

Can't we just pick on the minority
until we've had our justice?
Just remember now,
that you're that noose holding every broken neck
I can be the freak who could have saved 'em
but was to scared for my own...

It doesn't matter
As long as there's some way out of this reality
We'll never see our destruction

(This wasn't meant to be offensive, this poem just generalizes problems in youth)
This was inspired by the song The Perfect Fit by the Dresden Dolls