The Last Breath

"You can give him one last hug,"
She told me as the wind swayed the surrounding grass.
As I embraced his warmth one last time
And my tear-covered face brushed against his,
The soft, warm fur brought me to a chain of memories.

He used to prance around like crazy
When he heard the doorbell.
He'd crouch down, preparing to pounce on Dad
Way back when they used to wrestle each other.
His ears would perk up and eyes open wide
Whenever he found excitement in whatever we were doing.
He lived for the sound of food pebbles
Striking the inside of the small, metal bowl.
He'd venture into my pitch-black room every single night
Just before I went to bed.
His loud, ferocious bark echoed through the house
At the arrival of every visitor.
He was always there to comfort me
When he knew something was wrong.

I used to use him as my fluffy pillow.
I'd call him my big old bear.
His fur shone in the sun
Like an auburn ocean of never-ending waves.
His gigantic brown eyes revealed an unconditional love and compassion.
His name was of noblemen,
And so he was.
His strong, graceful body was always there to protect me.
Though he didn't always realize his own strength,
He was still tender and loving.
He showed no pain,
No weakness.
He was eternally joyful.

I knew that I wasn't ready,
But it was his time.
His fur was still as soft and silky as it had always been.
Forced to let go of him,
I still sat above him,
Watched over him
Just as he guarded me for so many years.
I watched in pain as he breathed his last breath
And then became limp, lifeless.
"He's gone, daddy. He's gone."
Then, the sorrow and tears really came,
And they took over the remaining life of my being.
"If only he could have stayed a while longer."
The thought kept running through my mind.

It pierced my heart,
Watching as they carried him away.
The beautiful weather didn't matter anymore.
Something bigger took its place in my mind.
"What am I going to do without him here?"
Disturbing thoughts swam through my head in continuous waves.
"At least he's pain free, up in heaven now,"
Everyone kept assuring me.
I just cried more,
Realizing he wouldn't be around to comfort me anymore.
He won't be there for me to pet and lay with,
When I just can't seem to sleep.
He's left me with nothing but a memory
And a warm, comforting spirit.

I know he's moved on,
And that I should follow his lead,
But mourning tears will still fall from my eyes,
When thoughts of him come to my mind.
Oh, but I will always cherish those moments with him