beatful end

tears fall from his eyes
as he looks at wats left
of the wreckage of his
teenage daughter
samantha carry beth.
he had told her no
the party was not an option.
so that night she snuck out
with her best friend kyle dalton.
the party was not wat they expected.
they wanted to fit in
but refusing to drink got them rejected.
& so when they started to leave
another car hit theirs'
it was danny's.
drinking hard that night
he had ran a red light.
now the cops and fireman
are all standing around.
shaking their heads
it couldve killed them
one of them said.
and the other replied,
it might just have.
at the hospital
samanthas dad
stands holding his
baby girl's hand.
the doctor had said
she wont live through the night.
but this youth pastor
would not let go
without a fight.
he began to pray for
his little girl that God
would have mercy on
her and her friends that
they would get the chance
to live life again. he called
all his family and church friends
and the saints of God
prayed for all of them.
the prayer continued
all through the night
and in the morning
samantha carry beth
was still alive. all her friends
too had made it safely through.
the parents cried and thanked God.
daddy samantha asked him.
wat is it sweetie he said,
holding her hand.
she looked at him and said,
i saw jesus and he said to me
let me in and forever
and ever i will be your friend.
dad im gonna give him control.
her father smiled and said
,her eyes he looked in.
you looked just like your mother
when you said that. eventually
they all healed
and went back to
their every day life.
but now all of them were
changed on the inside.
samantha carry beth
spoke to her friends
and through all the sadness
led two more souls to him.
now thats a perfect end.