put us back toghter again

lost and alone
afraid to come home
a family disfunction
they seem to be
flunking the
tests in life
sowers of strife
haters of wright
I feel apart the
day that my heart
was pulled two ways

Between you two
we lost the glue
that seemed to
hold us togerther
in peices i am
God here's my hand
plz take the problem
im givin God plz
be the glue that
holds me through
put us back together

crushed by the coldness
losing the boldness
to say what i mean
you think the worst
as you hurt yourself
and me why mom did
you leave? dad do you
still love me?

Between you two
we lost the glue
that seemed to
hold us togerther
in peices i am
God here's my hand
plz take the problem
im givin God plz
be the glue that
holds me through
put us back together

fallen im broken
what have we turned
to? bruised and scared
our hearts fell apart
we need what seems
to be missing.

Between you two
we lost the glue
that seemed to
hold us togerther
in peices i am
God here's my hand
plz take the problem
im givin God plz
be the glue that
holds me through
put us back together