Little Boys Grow Up

There’s a little boy I know
He’s a lot bigger than me
We’ve been good friends since school
And loved each other since then too
It’s weird to look at him now
After so long of living alone
When I remember what we had
All the pain comes running home
But in the last few weeks
Something new has happened
And now there seems another chance
For us both to make amends
Why do I still love him now?
Is there a point anymore?
Poems suck at telling feelings
And I sound like a prissy whore
But I’ll tell you my life anyway
Because it has to go somewhere
I’ll wait and see what happens
This time I hope that something’s there
I may be sadistic and full of shit
But you and he are no better
I’ve tried to run but I’ll admit
He still controls my weather
I won’t say my life will be complete
If he loves me back this time
But if there is nothing else to life
I’ll be happy for a time
Isn’t that the point anyway?
To bring happiness to life?
What else is there left to it
If that is not my right?
What the fuck would I do
If someone proved me wrong?
I’d probably tell them kiss my ass
And their life won’t last too long
Fact is I still love him now
Time hasn’t made a difference
I’ll keep playing along this time
Because loving is my preference