Race Against Love

Have you ever tried to outrun love?
You run as fast as you can,
As far as you can.
But some how it shows up at your door step.
It stares you in the eyes,
It looks into you heart.
Then it goes inside your heart.
You feel giddy and happy.
You can fly and never fall.
That is...
Until it decides to leave.
It forces itself out of you.
Oh, boy, does it hurt like hell.
It is as if every shred of love and life,
Within your body is being,
and Crushed.
It seals itself whole again out side your body.
It is on a hunt for a new heart.

Well I was too smart for love.
I ran far from it.
And I ran fast.
I took my heart and locked it in a box.
Love would never find it.

Love came knocking on my door,
I opened.
It stared into my eyes,
It looked into my heart.
It was confused.
My heart wasn't there.
It felt, never to bother me agian.

This race agaisnt love,
I won.