
He comes home from work tired and annoyed.
Another one of those days, where he hasn’t been paid.
He grabs a toxic from the fridge and starts gulping it down.
Another one of those nights.
As the night goes on
It seems like he’s gone
But in reality, he is actually there.
Toxic after toxic.
Not capable of being able to stop.
Now he’s edgy, be careful what you say to him,
He just might break.
Fight after fight.
They always seem to be at night.
You can find his true self in the morning
When all the toxic-ness has left his body.
He seems to be happy
But who knows what he’s thinking.
Who knows why he is so drawled in
Tempted to just pick up a toxic and chug it down.
Perhaps it’s the rush of the feeling
Perhaps it’s something more.
I’ll never know.
But I just wish that it would stop.