
Why does my heart long for you?
Why must it be this way?
Would you ever love me the way I love you?
Why must a heart want love that it shall never have?
I long for your touch, the one I’ve never felt
The feel of your warmth swallowing me whole
The blissful touch of your soft lips upon mine
My day spent dreaming of you
Nights filled with lust for you
I’ll wait for you no matter the cost, no matter the pain
I’ll die for you; I’m yours to order
I’ll let you be my master
If you’d show me you notice me
How hard is it to see true love
If it’s right in front of your face
Please don’t ignore me, I beg you through tears
What will it take?
Do you want me to bleed?
Do you want me to suffer, to break down?
Cause that’s what’s happening to me
I’m dying without you
I’m fading away
Please I beg
Just for once
Notice me…