
Where do I start?
The beginning...?
The part where I fell in love?
The part where you hurt me completely?

I know I'll start on the first time I saw you.
You were talking to her. My best friend.
She introduced us.
I said something and walked away.

You were too cute. Too easy to like.
I was hiding myself.
I was just discovering who I wanted to be.

We became somewhat friends.
I found about her.
The one you liked.
I hated her for no reason.

Time passed and we became better friends.
I started to talk to you more.
I thought about you.

More time.
She broke up with you.
I was secretly glad.
Of course I didn't let anyone know.

I tried to forget you.
I tried to ignore you.
I succeed for a while.

You asked me out.
I went home and cried with joy.
A week passed.
We broke up.

I cried.

I tried to forget you again.
You asked me out again.
I said yes.
I was stupid.

We broke up.
I cried again.

Summer came.
I built my wall again.
I found your number and tried to be friends.
We went swimming.

I fell in love.

You were so nice.
I couldn't help it.

We've been together all year.
Now my heart is truely yours.
I have this hole.
It won't go away.

I love you.

But you still love....