A thunder storm

I awaken in the dead of the night. I hear the crack of thunder, I see the silver lightning in the sky. My heart is exhilerated, my mind is quiet but stirring. My elemental hunger draws me towards my window, as i see one of mother earth's many moods. She is not afraid to show her emotions, and does so, and knows i will be drawn to it every time. I open my windows, goo out onto my roof, as if i don't feel my own footsteps. Only until I reach the roof, do i come back to consciousness. I stay the same, still feeling my need to be close to nature, even in its anger. Raising my hand up, i feel it warming. Mother Earth senses me as she senses every other being on this planet. She raises her arms simultaneously, trusting me to control her power for a night. Giving my her thunder rods and lightning staffs, I say "I won't let you down." I now have the anger of mother earth in my very hands, not letting her power overwhelm me. i let go of my grip on this mood i hold in my hands, and raise them up, continuing the storm i was awoken to. My elemental hunger, is later satisfied. I return to my bed, having returned Mother Earth's power to her. I fall asleep easily, dreaming about my natural experience. Knowing mother earth, she may or may not trust me again.