you move on.

I think everyone has a certain part of their life where they truly wish they could freeze time. Whether it was three years ago, today, or still to come, whether it was just a moment, a whole day, or a whole summer, everyone has a time in their life where they wish everything would just stop. The world would stop turning and people would stop changing. Because to them, at that time, everything was exactly how they wanted it to be. It happens to everyone as they grow up... you find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that the people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. And so you keep the memories, but you find yourself moving on leaving the people you once loved but now you dont see them the way you did, and you decide the only way to be what you want to be is to leave them whether it be a mistake, or the best thing you've ever done, you become a stronger person, and become more aware of everyone and everything around you, you learn that in life all you need is yourself, and if your true to yourself for the whole time, and if you dont discourage other people, or put them down, you will overall be a great person. You dont need anyone else to be what you want to be, you learn to rely on yourself for everything, and you move on.