Why is it that I feel weak?
When I'm alone, it's you I seek.
I'd give anything for you to know
how love so true has fully grown.

I know i'm not the one you love.
I truly swear to the heavens above.
But please oh please just hear my plea.
Then i'd let go, I'd let you free.

You're my twin, we both know that.
When I'm with you I feel so glad.
I may not be what you expect.
It hurts so much, my tears I shed.

I try to hide what I feel now.
With that I put a solemn vow.
To never to be so close to you.
'Cause then I realize one thing that's true.

Falling for you, that's one I fear.
From my eye falls a single tear.
Because i know i can never be
with you, dear froi, that's what i see.

I don't know why I feel like this.
When I chat with you, it's perfect bliss.
I don't know why, but I think it's true
that I am truly falling for you.

Forgive me for breaking this
But everyday it's you i miss.
I hope we can still be friends
Even though this is the end

The end of how I feel for you.
Forgive me but it's really true.
I know I disgust you, I really do.
But don't get mad, please don't feel blue.

There are things I hide from thee.
When we talk, I'm perfectly me.
And that is why I miss you.
Though it's just an hour or two.

I know you love her, I really do.
And that is why my heart's so blue.
But it's okay, it really is.
I'll be happy, s'long as you feel bliss.

I'll let you go, I know I must.
If i don't, all I feel will be like dust
Blown away by fate so sad.
But for you, I'll still be glad.

I'll be glad because you are
My friend, a shining star
In my life so sad and still.
I'll let you go, i know i will.

I'm letting you free and oh so true.
Enjoy your life, don't be so blue.
Because although you love her so,
I'll still love you. I'll let you go.