Heaven and Hell

Sitting somewhere in the center path
Between to places cut in half

By the earth and dirt on which we live
And the water which we use to drown
The forests where we hide our faces
The things we seek in all these places
Neither lives or dies alone
But both take up these spaces
These open spaces where nothing is
Nothing will ever be, except the lives
That live and breath, disrupt the harmony


Soft lovely lips pressed against her thigh
His hand circling silk in mine
Slippers hit the smooth tile floor
Feathers hold her wings up high
Beating hearts kiss the air
Cool against the breeze
Playing with her fluttered hair
Flowers blowing on the bedroom floor
In a rainbow fan of colors
That pale beneath their skin
And say a prayer and kiss goodbye

But not here, and not now
Outside the door into the sun
The night has walked
We’re dark and done


The cold soft fire in her eyes
Turn to burning blares
Embers tossed and bashing in
Her world and all its cares
Harsh killing stones crashing around
And smirking at your screams
Thundering down hard frozen roads
No way to be redeemed

Walk back inside her clouded doors
But this isn’t heaven anymore
Tainted by black coal gloves
That stained the white ballroom ones
Which before were doves
Which we used to trust

Frilly black lace clung around her wrists
Black chalk lines drawn around her eyes
All the things she wished she was
Written in the dirt she cries
To have loved and lost is a crime
Dreams bit the dust and covered in grime
Cloaked and writhing around in the sand
Blood soaked and dying had seemed so grand

Not anymore that the shock has faded
Dark growing tumors can’t be evaded
Not any longer because the cancer set in
If you don’t stop it now, the sickness will win
The kemo can’t help where the heart is in pain
So sit and hold tight as your lungs start to wane

Somewhere in the middle:

But this isn’t the end
I swear it with mine
The stains will fade
Like colors with time
You’re not in heaven
You’re not in hell
You are wherever
You wish to dwell