Another Stranger Me

Another Stranger Me...

It's Night...

And Im walking alone along this street...
Tis nothing to hide; Tis nothing to fear...
Listening to music; Both pieces in ear...
And what lies in such rhythmic beats?...
What other sides are we willing to meet?
My image alone, is not so clear..

For once I play a song (!click!); So crude with hate..
A blackish limb comes forth into the air...
And one is sucked into "It's" cynic lair...
This harmonic crystal key unlocks this darkened gate...
A quick loathing my new defiled portrait creates...
So I then change the song,(!Click!) to one of despair...

A lengthy branch comes forth from behind...
A sad little child can be seen in the rear...
And one is moved by his ghastly tears....
The sorrow thats shedded, can not be denied...
For, moments so solemn his image reminds....
So I change the song,(!Click!) but to a tune of cheer...

Another branch came forth, and brought in light...
A person of joy can only be seen..
Letting life and color flood this depressing scene....
He fills hearts with both glee and delight...
He takes broken souls and mends them right...
Though he, like his brothers, is rarely seen...

I (!Click!) the button and suddenly they're gone...
These shadows of emotion vanish from the air...
And even though they were never truly there...
They are never going to be forgone..
Because with a simple (!Click!)they can always be drawn...

I still walk, letting these musical apparitions guide...
Constantly altering my ego with a (!Click!)
Who else can perform such a whimsical trick?
A steady (!Beep!), can now be heard from inside...
This dreadful beep; Indicates the batteries have died.....
And slowly, the branches fade before my very eyes...