Dear You

Dear You,

Thank you for breaking my heart
Now I know what pain truly feels like
Alone at night I think of all of our memories
Tears stream down my face
For once in your life,
I wish you could have told me the truth
But only lies pour out of your mouth
You brought me rage and anger
Tears and a broken heart
Disappointment and confusion
What else is there to do to me?
Oh now I remember!
You killed my soul by taking your own life
Why couldn't you have told me what was wrong
I could have helped you
We could have made through this together
Everyone was cheering the two of us on
Could you please tell me why you had to leave
I still don't understand your letter to me
Did I do something wrong?
Was I not loving enough
Did I not show enough affection towards you
But I know that can't be it
You were my world
My everlasting love
At night I dream of your smiling face
Then it turns dark and red and I see your lifeless body
How could you leave me like this.
Seventeen years of friendship down the drain
Years of love gone to waste
And now all I am left with is a broken heart
You were the first boy I loved
We shared our roller coaster of emotions
I thought we knew everything about each other
But I guess that's what I get for being young and naive
So as I slowly slip away from friends and family
Just remember that you caused me to do this
Because all I ever wanted was to be with you