This Darkness

Jealousy, Hatred, Anger.
These are the words that describe the darkness in this world,
This darkness controls our lives,
Blinds us from the truth,

This Darkness,
It takes on many forms,
It acts as your ally,
But is really your enemy

This Darkness,
We have no control over it,
It gains power through every rumor,
Every whisper,

This Darkness,
It controls every aspect in our lives,
It is the only obstacle keeping us from peace,
Brings the worst out of us,
Making the best of friends, the worst of enemies,

This Darkness,
Many believe the lies that are told by it,
Few see through the lie,
But the few receive little recognition,
Instead they are shunned,
Instead of being known as heroes,
They are known as the losers or the loners,

Indeed they are heroes,
Changing the lives of the poor victims of the darkness’s lies,
You can be a hero too,
But it takes more than courage to be a hero,
I should know,
I am both a victim and a hero,

This darkness,
It will never leave this planet or our lives,
It loves to cause pain
Our pain only satisfies its hunger,
Its hunger puts all of our lives in danger,
Even us, the young and have barely experienced life,
Do we send children into this world?
Just as we send young men and women to war,

This Darkness,
You never see it coming
It will be the plague that will destroy this world,
It is inside all of every person,
Destroying our lives,

This Darkness,
Does it control your life?
Or do you let it?
Are you a hero?
Or victim?
What do we call this darkness?
Does it have a name?
Is it yours?