A complex illusion

i dont get it
dont know what your all about
you wanted me out of your life
so i was out.

if you made a mistake,
then, i'm all that you lack
but dont think for a second
that you can get me back.

cause it was your loss,
deffinitally not mine,
you had your chance with me,
you made the toss.

so i'm gone
and your left to yourself
to think some more
since in the future,
you no longer have me in store.

just keep in mind
it was all your decision
i've already forgotten you
and left you behind.

it was all an illusion
a complex one indeed
a trick played on my soul
as if you were all
that i would ever need.

i'm back to normal though
no longer mistified
because now you know
without me, you'll have to abide.