Mind at Battle

I stare at my reflection in the mirror,
I am but a shadow of my former self
I am not what I used to be,
I am who I was meant to become
The Darkness that has enclosed me is not a gift, but a curse.

My mind is a constant battle with itself,
Fighting to control the constant speed it is forced to think at
The many subjects it is forced to think upon everyday,
The songs that are set to play over and over again,
The stories that I think of to help escape reality,
The poems I write to get over the angst...

There was the old me,
Who loved pink and everything happy,
Who loved to smile and laugh
The there is the new me,
The black and red,
Revenge is my motto,

I love everything dark,
A total Jekyll and Hyde effect,
But Hyde has taken over...

The two sides have dueled it out in my mind,
They walked to the desert,
Grabbed their weapon of choice,
Stood back to back,
Took ten paces forward,

Fate dealt the cards,
And dark won over light.
♠ ♠ ♠
not so sure if i like this. let me know what you think