
Billie came home with a bloody nose today.
Billie came home wearing a dress of grey.
His hair disheveled and his eyes full of tears,
He was never one to be accepted by his peers.

A recess of dodgeball as he stood timidly in his mary janes,
They watched in expectation and wondered if he was sane.
"Are you gay?" They asked, his hair cut short.
Billie shook his head "no" and said "I'm a little girl ofcourse."

That's how his story started before he broke down.
They jumped on him, he weeped and tore at his gown.
The biggest boy shouted, "It isn't right! Boys don't wear dresses." and punched him in the side.
Fists and feet banged on his torso and limbs.
Teachers looked the other way and made this beating more grim.

Here he stood now, scared and confused.
"Don't make me go back tomorrow."
He can't stand another day being abused.
"Why?" He questioned. "Why do they make me cry and why do I always want to die?"
He rubbed his cheek, smudging more dirt and took a deep breath trying to hide the hurt.
"I don't understand what they say. I'm not a boy but a girl. Why can't that be okay?"

His mother didn't know what to tell him.
She's loved him since the start.
"Baby girl don't listen. It only matters what's in your heart."
She led him by the hand to her makeup case.
"Come on Billie, let's lighten up that face.
Eyeshadow to camoflage that black eye,
Some masacara so you better not cry,
Concealer to cover up that scuffed chin
and a touch of lipstick to fix that bruised grin. "

He gazed in the mirror.
"Ma ma, who am I?"
She kneeled next to him.
"You are who you want to be and that's no lie.
Besides, you are the prettiest girl I ever did see
and someday you will agree."
His mother told him, "Don't let them regret the person you are
and whatever cuts they leave, foundation can erase those scars."

Billie left for school the next day with a smile upon his face.
Billie left for school the next day wearing a nice green garment of lace.