Why Did You Go...

My mind races in dearest fright.
Never knowing what's to come.
Fear dances on my lips.
I fray inside.
Hiding my eyes.

Time eases the pain.
But the guilt will forever be the same.
I no longer understand.
I finally know just who I am.

The wonders of the world clashing through my heart.
The blood boils deep inside.
For I know what I'm meant to be.
Your gone an I understand.
You'll never return.

I bid my farewells.
For our family will miss you.
I'll also miss you.
Its a sham you left.

Sometimes I wonder just why.
What could we have done.
Do you ever think abouts us.
Do you feel the guilt inside.
Does it eat at you.

You've caused us pain.
Left her to weep.
Could you understand.
It was love?

My mind races in dearest fright.
Never knowing what's to come.
Fear dances on my lips.
I fray inside.
Hiding my eyes.