For My One And Only Love

Having someone that's there for you every day,

Makes all the difference in the world

No matter what you do, say, or think

They back you up a hundred percent

You're the only person that does this for me,

Each and every day you are there

I get lost in your eyes and all my worries vanish

Being able to count on you gives my heart a good, warm feeling

You're the star that lights up my sky

You're the one who made me see the good in life

I wake up every day looking forward to seeing your face

I have you now and hope that I will always have you forever

I couldn't ask for anything more pure

Than the love that you show and give to me every day

It's unexplainable how good it feels when you hold me in your arms

To hear you say the eight letters that form into three words means so much to me

It blows me away every time

I love you never sounded so sincere

My love for you is like the Northern Star

It stays in one place and doesn't ever move

Nothing that anyone says or does will ever change that

You are the only one that I want to be with for the rest of my life

I will do an and everything to make sure that happens

Trying to explain how much i appreciate everything you do for me is impossible

The list is endless

I wish every day that i could give back to you what you give to me each and every day

All i need from now until death

Is the love an support that you give me all the time

Don't ever leave me and I won't ever leave you

Hold my hands and kiss me

Tell me you love me

If you do that the way you do now

We will be together forever

My deepest fear is losing you

I will do whatever it takes to make sure that never happens.