I'm Tired

I'm tired of this lonely feeling
They say I'm not alone
They say that they'll always be there for me
But were are they?
Sitting at home with there loved ones.
There happy lives ahead of them...
Why can't that be me?

I'm tired of this rejected feeling.
They're never with me.
Even when I'm standing right next to them.
They don't understand me.
They say they do.
They say they've been here before.
Yet I still feel rejected.
Why is it so hard to be expected?

I'm tired of this unloved feeling
Is love just a word with no meaning
Do they say it get me to shut up.
Or is that they pitty so much to say those words that I long to hear.
Maybe it's both...
Why can't I feel loved

I'm tired of the lonelyness,
The rejection,
The unloved feeling.

You know they say that before you die your life flashes before your eyes.
So you remember all the good and the bad.
All I'd see is the sadness in my life.
It making my long for life to end.
For death is only the begining of greater things.