Thoughts of a paranoid, love struck fool soon to be a bride who happens to love neon colours and roses!

I never thought I’d say the words.
I love him. Without a doubt, I’m scared.
The aisle is too long. He’s too far away.
This dress is too tight. Did they really expect this size?
The bobby pins are digging into my skull, my hands are shaking.
God help me!
My independence, I feel it disappearing.
Look at him, only him.
All eyes on me, suddenly I hate myself for inviting my family.
They’re crying and soon I feel hot, salty liquid stream down my face
Damnit, make up’s a mess
Oh wait—I didn’t wear make up
He doesn’t like it—either do I
Kill me, I’m blushing…I tripped on my dress
My legs are stubbly. Shit, I forgot to shave.
What’s he going to think tonight?
He told me yesterday he’d take me any way so shut up!
My best friend is smiling, encouraging me to walk on…
She looks gorgeous, ten times better then I’ll ever be in a dress
I hate this white thing
Wait, he’s not staring at her, he’s staring at me
Only me
Only him
My mind draws a blank
What was I thinking?
The flowers in my hands are too heavy
My fingers twitch…shit! Way to ruin it!
The flowers drop.
He doesn’t notice.
Only me
Only him
My steps are quicker. Not walking to the music.
I bite my lip…stupid habit
My hands tap on my dress, impatient
Fuck, calm down you’re almost there!
All eyes on me…don’t mind them
Last step, you can make it…don’t—
Trip, you idiot
Make way for the floor
Where’s the floor?
He lifts me up, my hands are shaking
You fool
He smiles—all better
The dude in the robe begins to speak
What am I supposed to say again…”I will”?
He’s holding my hands…he say’s something
I do?
Shit, you idiot that’s it…say it, say it now.
The dude in the robe is still speaking, I can’t!
Just say it!
I jump into his arms—what a freak
I whisper in his ear “I do”
Our independence depending on each other now
It’s over…my spasms done…until I have to leave
Never thought I’d say this
I love him. Without a doubt, I’m safe…