That Little Girl

I am that little girl
Riding on the big back
Of her tall, strong grandfather
Bouncing happily on his shoulders

I am the small child
Flying through the air
Screaming and giggling
Tiny hands encased in bigger ones
As she spun around
Never doubting that hold for a second

I am that little kid
Hiding her tear-streaked face
In the shirt of Grandpa
As Grandma scolded her
For breaking another glass

I am the ten-year-old
Smiling proudly
As she whispered to Grandpa
That she had gotten an award at school
For her grades
Then grinning wildly
As she was wrapped up in a bear hug

I am the 12-year-old
Holding her grandfathers hand
Guiding him safely across the street
And listening intently
As he told stories of worse time
Always reminding me I have nothing to complain about

I am me now
A teenager of sorts
Before it's too late
Appreciating his smile
As it brightens the day
Smiling softly,
As her grandparents share that infatuating silent love
And thanking God
For all the wonderful memories
I have been blessed with