The Dark Rose

A dark rose
Blooms in the night
With a ghost
That sweats like rain
A girl walks in the cold damp rain
Searching for her dark rose
That she had made.
She had thought she looked for hours
But she only looked for half an hour
So she gave up on looking for her flower
So she walked off and said she'd come look again
When the rain settles down
But she was lost in the rain
And never remembered her dark rose
Her dark rose had watched her walk by
And started to cry
And faded away with sorrow in it's heart.
The next day the same girl
Walked by in the same place looking, Searching, watching, thinking
And then she saw something that was out of place.
In her dark roses place stood a different rose
A blue rose.
So she walked over to the blue rose
And said what she thought of the blue rose
And then she decided to
Promise it that
She would take care of it
And not let anything harm it
That is since her dark rose is no where in sight.
And then one day
The same thing happens again
But this time it was the blue rose
To feel that pain of being
Left behind
And forgotten
When the girl retured the next day
She expected a blue rose to still be there
But nothing was there
Her dark rose and now blue rose had faded away
And she couldn't figure out why
Her dark rose and blue rose were gone
And never found
So she left with neither pain nor remourse
And there stood nothing else
But soil and grass
And nothing else
But an empy spot
That once blonged to a dark rose and then blue rose
They were both forgotten
and never remembered
And until this day there is
A dark rose and blue rose
Standing side by side
Promising eachother that
They will be together till the end
But they were still
Lost and never remembered.