Popularity Crush

It's hard to explain but its about my crush and like how stereotypes get in the way!

Do you like me?
I like you
But I could never tell you this...
Because you're in a differente "group"
Than I am

The only thing that stands in my way is
Popularity and Stereotypes
If it weren't for that I would go fo you
But if I stepped out of my boundaries
I would be laughed at-
Talked about-
And I don't want that...

They say "Everyone has a chance with anyone!"
Is that really true?
Could I have a chance with you?
Or is it all just a myth?
I don't know but
I want to be with you

Everyone in a while I catch your eyes
Those gorgeous brown eyes of yours
They can make a person melt
Wait I'm wrong-
No words can describe how you look

It is amazing how I've liked you for so long
I've told myself over and over
"I will not have my heartbroken anymore!"
But too late
The fault is mine

If I just had more time
I would sucked doown my fear
And show my courage
Telling you
What I feel
'Cause its a truly amazing feeling

There just something in the way...

Damn you popularity!
