Darron's poem

I am deeply upset today
I can’t erase all the pain
Not you
You have always been there
To wipe away the invisible tears
You knew when something was wrong
No matter how good we were at hiding it
You saw us through
Even if life for you
Wasn’t exactly going well
You always smiled
No matter how much life got you down.
You were rarely sad
Never wore a frown
Life without you seems unimaginable
I don’t know how we are going to do it
Nobody will ever take your place
It’s going to be hard living day to day
Without you around
It’s like watching a movie without sound
Trying to move on feels like moving a mountain
Or cutting grass with scissors
This is going to be hard
But for you
I am willing to try
Willing to try not to cry
Willing to try to give it another shot
Even though it seems like a lot
Because you were all we got
Well had
Life seems sad
And depressing
With out you here
We will be missing you
For sure
But you will be in our hearts forever more