For My Name Is Silence

My name is Silence, I sit alone, empty, afraid
All the light I see is the pale light
That creeps through my small window
For I shall not be seen as my inner monster
I am a freak, I remain in silence

My breed holds me captive as it slowly takes my soul
I can’t be seen, can’t be heard
It is only the rain falling on my roof
That keeps from being insane
I have no one, I am alone

I am not to be named for I am a monster
I am told that monsters do not have names
I am not human I only wish it to be
The winters bring me peace as no criticism is given
I sit alone and listen to the snow fall against the ground

The night is my time I see the moon and the stars
They call me up to join them
I can not, I only wish I could
If only one person knew how I felt
I wouldn’t be like this

I would be loved, and some one would save me
Save me from this awful ting they call life
I call up on a love, true and sincere
He would accept me for the inner monster I am
But also for the monster I am with out

He will not care about what people say
And he will call me gentle, even at my most vicious
But for I am a monster, so I shall not have that
I am not allowed to have that, I am a monster
I have killed the innocent, but only to live

I now call upon this earth to give me my love
I need him to love me, or I will die inside
I am immortal, I can not die outside
I will be nothing but a shell of nothing
Please take my calling, I need a love

A small knock at my door startles me
I jump slightly and thank my goddess
She has finally listened to my monster in and out
She has listened to my cries
For my name is Silence I can not be loud

I wipe the blood stains from my sliced wrists
And unlocked the door
I saw the bright moon, the stars and a man
For he is my new love
He was sent from the goddess to keep me alive

But my name is silence and it shall not be broken
He slowly took my hand and I noticed the cold
He is too a monster, inside and out
I was told I was the only one and I was a freak
I was whole again, I was me

I am not a monster, I am a girl
I am a girl named Silence
And it shall never be broken.