This Isn't Right!

"Please don't be mad" are the last words I remember texting him, before he turned away.
"Please talk to me" are the only words I can think about when I'm close enought to shout.
"Do you think of me as much as I think of you? Why are you doing this to me? What have i done to you? Please tell me!" are the questions I wanna ask him everyday of my God dam life!
This isn't right!
I used to think of suicide 'til he walked into my life. He made it all change! He did the impossible and turned dark into light!
Now... Now it's all different. Light turned to dark again.
I fumble 'cause I'm drunk. I pick up a razor 'cause I'm depressed and think it feels good.
This isn't right!
He made me open my closed wounds. He made me think I could tell him everything. He picked me up when I was down!
Then... Then he just left me hanging. Hanging like a shirt to dry, but I will never dry! And maybe he knows that. Maybe he just wanted to get so close he could tear it all away!
This isn't right!
He almost had me. He almost had my heart!
He DID have me and my heart! He ripped my heart out and left me there to bleed. Fuck what everyone says. He was my best friend. The kind of best friend that could never be too close for comfort but always close enough. The kind of best friend who took your suicidal thoughts and crushed them up.
This isn't right!
He was always there for me. But I guess things and people change. People come up and tell me he hates me and all that does is re-break my broken heart.
Amy Lee sings, "Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken."
I am broken and I don't think I'm fixable, unless he walks back into my life like nothing ever happened.
Ane what happened you may ask? I don't have a damn clue, but all i know is
This isn't right!