
I found that girl again today. You know the one with the sad green eyes that wouldn't cry? The one that told her story to me, but disappeared? She's still quiet, sill hollow, but she's found out how to lie. How to cover everything up and smile like she doesn't have care in the world. Sounds kinda pathetic to me.

Anyway, the girl sat in front of me today looking like she was gonna cry. They had found out about her secret; that she was lying. I asked her if that's what she wanted all along, help?

She furiously shook her head, and whispered that she just wanted to know what she wanted. Her answer didn't confuse me in the least. That's how I was feeling.

I reached out to comfort her but where her shoulder should have been, there was cold glass. A mirror. The sad girl was me. Tears ran down my face and hers. Weakness trailed black lines from our green eyes.

In anger, I punched the large mirror, much like the first time we met. Instead of smashing, my hand went right through the mirror to the girl. I hit her square in the chest. Both of our lungs let out air as we fell to the ground. I could feel my one of my ribs was cracked, as was her's.

Fury was apparent in her eyes as she reached over to slap me. A force stopped her. The mirror.

The sane part of my brain was telling me that I was beating up the girl in the mirror as I punched her again. The other part of my brain told the other one to shut her big trap. I listened to the latter.

If I beat her into oblivion, maybe I wouldn't have that sadness anymore. It would just go away. Happiness would regin, and I would never be sad again. Maybe...

Suddenly she gave a scream. I heard myself shriek as well. The tiny girl started to fade right before my eyes. I looked down my red hands, they were fading as well.

Crap. This was not going how I wanted it to go. A hand tapped my shoulder. A splitting image of me with a devious grin her face laughed at me.

"Not what you expected huh? She's a part of you, stupid. Destroy her destroy yourself." The girl smirked again before flitting away into darkness.

I looked towards the now transparent girl on the floor. My hands felt cold as I tried to help her up. She fell backwards, dragging me with her.

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad if we disappeared into nothingness. No school, no drama, just sleep.

To steal from Shakespeare, but what dreams may come in that sleep of death must give us pause. What happens after you shut your eyes and listen final breath? Hell? Heaven? More darkness? Or nothing?

I clung to my counterpart's hand and tried not to scream. Death scared me. There, I admitted it. I was so teriffied of dying that I wanted to cry.

Soon, my hands and hers were completely gone. Our arms, legs, chest. With my last breath, I whispered loud enough for her to hear,

I'm sorry.