Here You Go.

Unwanted vibes all I receive
Maybe I should just leave,
All you do is grieve
And try to deceive.

I try my best
And you act like I’m a pest,
Why does this have to be such a test
Like a great quest?

All you do is bitch and moan
And turn me into a great stone.
You attack until you hit bone
You hurt me more than can ever be known.

You meant nothing you said.
Every word spoken was dead,
None of it was the truth,
I discovered it through sleuth,
Why did you have to take my heart
And throw it into a cart
Filled with garbage ready for the dump?

You played me like a fool,
While you held me in the pool,
Knowing you would let me drown,
You never cared.
You left me cold and scared,
Hurting and alone.

You always leave me when I need you most.
I need you close,
Why can’t you ever notice that?
It’s not like I hide the fact.
I present it loudly,
And you ignore it proudly.

I’m sick of trying,
I’m sick of your lying.
I’m through with it all.
Now that hard wall,
Which was finally breaking down,
Is being rebuilt with a great frown.

You want to know what I’m feeling?
I feel you are stealing,
Stealing away all the pieces of my broken heart,
Just to stab them with a dart,
And to bring them back,
With even more of a lack
Of all my trust and love I have for others.

I cry over you every night,
Even though I know it will not bring the light.
You were the light I had been searching so long for,
You hurt me more than can ever be known.
Just kicked me aside like a stone.
I may act emotionless and uncaring,
But it was you I was daring,
To show my true self.
You just put it on a shelf
And forgot about it.