Scary night...

Voices call from outside
my head,
but i'd rather not look from
beyond my bed.

The covers shield my
body from
those dangerous things,
even those monsters that
bite and sting.

It gets really scary but I don't mind.
morning will come and this will all
be behind.

Soon, the rain pricks at
my window pane,
sliding down the wall and out
into the drain.

All goes well and I'm
drifting off to sleep,
almost up to a hundred in
counting sheep.

But then! Lightning crashes,
and out of the corner of my eye,
something dashes.

I sink beneath my sheets
and huddle against my pillow,
But then I remember playing at
Grandmother Willow's.

I was having a good time,
until lightning flashed once more,
casting a long shadow, upon my closet door.

It creeps up my wall, so
sly and sleak...
Oh boy! I'm gonna have trouble
getting to sleep.

The night was so long,
Stretching through the night,
Reaching till' dawn.

Now I can sleep, and sleep comes so well,
And the ships all await for me to set sail.