Brown eyed boy

Your brown eyes
Are the cause of my demise
I can’t fix this
These feelings that don’t go away
Kind of like u
I wish I didn’t feel for u
Like I still do
And probably always will
I am cursed with the things you do
And how you terrorize me still
You’re a disease I can’t get riid of
Not that I ever will
There are days I like you
And that is the truth
I cant change me
As hard as I have tried
And as many tears I have cried
A lot of them are over the owner of those beautiful brown eyes
I guess I am still as pathetic as I was then
Worse than a has been
Technically I am one those
Because I have made one to many
Trips to your heart and back
There are many things that we lack
But happiness was never one
At least when I was with that brown eyed boy
Every thing was new
Every day was beautiful too
I think my smile was brighter than diamonds
When I was with the owner of the brown gems
Now that we are over and done
I still can’t hate you
No matter how much I try to make the hate come across
Love still burns
In my heart
For the demon with the brown eyes