some stupid poem about a life remote

I wish there was a remote.

Rewind, fast forward, pause, stop, play. and more.

But there is no remote for life.

for life is real, there is no rewind.

There is no pause.

You have to take it as it comes.

But what if we had a remote?

Would you go back and talk to the guys form the concert?

Would you fix you'r retaionship with your boyfriend?

Would you not befriend your friends?

Would you make more friends?

Would you stop the big fight?

Would you go tell someone you lost you love them?

Would you change your words?

Would you be more socail?

Would you change your name, age, parents?

What would you do?

I would go back in time, and stop what I said. I would aploigise.

But sometimes even if you had that remote it wouldnt help...

It would still happen...

So good by remote, good byee friends.

In the end you are responcable for your reactions.

And I hate mine.