Dear Dumbass!

how do you tell her you love her one day and the next say your leaving?
How do you wake up in the mornign well rested knowing she got no sleep because you were on her mind?
you told her you would never hurt her then you said goodbye....
said you wouldnt let her down then smashed her against the ground.
said you would be there forever, well where did you go?
I hope that when your with the thing you left her for it eats at you.
when you look at her and say i love you i hope she sees right through you.
you broke the one thing i hold near to my heart
for hurting something so dear you will pay.
she cried all theat night
died more the next day.
she is wasting away.
so leave her alone
let her pick herself up and dust the pieces of you memory off
when she needs help at least ill be there
ill lift her up
ill fix the pieces
glue her together
even though im not what she wants
ill be here till the end
how can you wake in the morning and look in the mirror
and not htink of her tear streaked face