
she has more to offer than i
silky hair, eyes that shine like forsaken stars
holding a special place in his heart
and i another but not as esteemed
dancing in and out she doesn't know the scars left behind everytime she leaves
i see him fight the battle each time she's near
having a title i stand beside him
thought i can't make his feelings fade
everyday i wonder how i could even begin to compare
they'd make a lovely couple
this i saw but only in my dreams
refusing to accept harsh reality
for in the reality i also was falling in love with everything i couldn't have
a triangle is an awkward shape
having no structure or stability
but the way i lived for so long was in the angles
he swears to cast off old devotion
to feel me as his only emotion
i lie awake tonight and wonder if what i've felt
could ever compare to your side of the scalene
the very first love that always feels so true
in comparison to all the rest.