I Am Not Afraid To Keep On Living. I Am Not Afraid To Walk This World Alone.

A few days before The Revelation, I had broken up with my boyfriend.
Normally the breakup would have ended.
But I dragged myself around like one of the living-dead.
It had been almost a week.
My visions of our future were bleak.
Then it came on.
I'd been despondent,
But I snapped to attention

As I heard Gerard Way's voice on the TV
And looked up to see
Them all surrounded in flames.
My heart filled with glee
As Gee
Spoke to me.
Through his clenched teeth came my message of hope.
I had heard it before, known it to be true in my heart.
But I realized I had never really seen the mesage in that vocal work of art.
Untill I saw it projected on the screen.
And so he proclaimed, through clenched teeth, looking mean
"I am not afraid to keep on living. I am not afraid to walk this world alone."
There it was.
I was saved from my sadness because.
Of a new MCR video
Esto es de verdad, en serio.
(Translation from Spanish to English: "This is true, seriously." Sorry for going all bilingual on you guys, but it was for rhyming's sake.)