The Destined Strike

My heart beats hard, you can hear it
Though my screams can never be heard
Hair tangled, eyes bloodshot, warm blood
A tragic expression... I'm unafraid
I'll look down on this life thats full of such evil
As soon as I take a strike

Eyes so still, so cold and alone
Blood dry and sunken through the veins
Face pale, cheeks tearstained, lips blue
The expression of last
As a heart beat turns to a thousand heartbreaks
Suffered by that fatal strike

My heart beats for one last chance
My screams are forgotten and are never heard
Hair silky, eyes bright, blood warmed
An expression of to stay?
As the angels come for my broken, scarred soul
To heal me for taking that strike

Constructive coritism(sp) appreciated. Please don't say it is unoriginal. i already know that. This song means a lot to me. I wrote it a few days ago when I tried to end my life. Thats what is important about this poem. It gives people the idea of what someone who feels the need to end his or her life may feel like.