School of Doom

I walk to the bus,
then just sit at my stop.
As I wait,
For the sunflower-yellow vehicle to arrive.

I climb the stairs of,
The mustard-yellow bus.
Then I accidentally trip,
Over something in the long, dreadful, grayish-black aisle.

I hear laughs,
Louder than a fire alarm.
I quickly sit in my seat,
Embarrassed and saddened.

I walk into the school,
Slower than a turtle.
Regretting each step,
I take.

Soon it's time,
To get to the doomful classes.
I get shoved into a locker door,
Or called just another scarring, wounding insult.

It's soon my first class,
So I just sit in my seat.
Some buffoon screeches at me,
And another kicks my seat throughout the class.