Bad things happen to good people because.......

Bad things happen to good people.
Because they scream
Because they cried
Because they yelled
Because they shouted
They fell down
They fell down into piles
They were buried
They were dug up
They danced with flames
They rode the winds
They poured down like rain
They flew into the skies
Mama said they went to a better place
While we worked
While we starved
While we froze
While we lived in fear
While we tried
While we cried
While we prayed
While we died
Lots of people died
Mama said it was because they lied
Some people would hide
Others went to find them
Some people would ride in wagons
Some people could not hide
So they lied
And they died
At least that is what Mama said
I am not sure if she is right
There has to be some hope some light
She can not be right
No one is right anymore
Not even Papa
Papa never lied
He never hide
He never would ride wagons
He never was scared
He never was fearful
He never screamed
He never cried
He never yelled
He never shouted
He never ran
He worked
He starved
He froze
He tried
He prayed
He fell down
He fell down into a pile
He danced with flames
He rode the winds
He poured down like rain
He flew into the skies
Mama said he died
Then she left too
She went for a shower
She never came back
I saw her in a pile
I saw her dancing with flames
I saw her ride the winds
I saw her pour down like rain
I saw her fly into the sky
I saw her die
Soldiers came
They wore different colors
They spoke funny
They rode on big horses
They shouted
They fought
They won
They gave me food
They gave me clothes
They asked me what happened
They asked me where my parents were
They asked me where everyone was
They asked me if I knew why this happened
I told them
Some people starved
Some people froze
Some people fell in piles
They danced with flames
The road the winds
They poured down like rain
They were flying in the sky
They turned to ash
They died
Mama and Papa too
I told them this happened
Because we are Jews
Because they hate us
Because they are Nazi
Because they think there better
Because they were scared
Because they think we lied
Because they were wrong