I Walk Alone

She walked down the street
With her head hanging low,
Eyes wet, focused on her feet.
"I could die, I loved you so!"
Was heard in her whisper, all alone.
Her eyes were dull, her waist thin,
Rereading a message on her phone.
Not even once you let her win.
Just tear her heart to pieces, God,
Tear every single thing away.
Offer nothing for comfort, not even a nod.
What is her purpose? For your play?
As she injures herself and more,
You laugh in your ungodly throne,
Until you find some new hobby that she has no use for.
She is left looking at her heart, newly unsewn.
What did she do? What has she done?
For I am this very girl,
And I have a right to know about your fun.
And that is how my new hell did unfurl.