
Standing on the bridge
Watching the sun leave the sky
Nothing but hollowness
Behind these vacant eyes

The tears fall tirelessly
Down my cheeks
My will to live
Growing ever more weak

The waves smash against
The stone pillars below
As if trying to collapse the bridge
The only stability I know

I wonder how many lost souls
Have stood here in this very place
Thinking the thoughts that I think now
With tears streaming down their face

I wonder how many of them
Have actually gone through with it
Devoured by deaths temptation
Wounded by life and ready to quit

Breaking the surface of the icy water
Quickly swallowed by the crash of the wave
Their lifeless body violently tossed
As the stars begin to fade

I wonder just how many
Of those same lost souls
Died in the name of love
As their pain of loss took control

So full of anger and resentment
Bitterness, even hate
Waiting for that sacred rescue
But now its too late

The sadness swells within me
As I relate to those emotions
The urge to jump consumes me
As I acknowledge my final devotion

Well, I have to go now
Its time for me to fly
To carry out me last decision
To kiss my life goodbye

I just hope the splash is
Loud enough for you to hear
As I embrace Deaths calling
And you are nowhere near