This Poem Does Not Have A Title Due To Loss Of Words While This Poem Was Written

These words are not just any words
They may sound like just words
That were recited a bit
But as I type them now here on this website
I think to myself:
"Would this poem be better if I revised and edited like I did
In my other poems?
Or should I just write and post,
Without a second thought?"
In every other poem I have written,
I have revised them and edited until I feel I can not anymore.

But then I still don't feel right
What could be wrong?
It is as though these words are not anything but ordinary.
This is not what I want
I want words that will blow the minds of my readers

But can I really write such a piece?
I feel it is impossible for me to accomplish my
Goal in poetry
I feel that I will never succeed
I then wonder:
"Could it be that I am trying too hard to make it perfect?"
But i refuse to believe that.

I feel somewhere deep down that writing will never be apart of my future except
When writing notes or something for my cheap
Low salary job
But I love to write
I feel joy when I write,
And when people tell me I am good

So why do I feel these feelings?
To this day I do not understand what is wrong.
Perhaps nothing.
Perhaps I am just human,
And I feel this way due to lack of confidence.
Or maybe what I feel deep down is true.

Maybe writing isn't my destiny.
But then what is?
I need help.
I feel at a loss.
Words stop coming into my head.
I can't think any longer.
I am done.